Friday, May 22, 2009


Well I know it has been awhile since my last post...but life just gets away from me. The last couple of weeks have been pretty "normal".. running all over the place with the boys, etc. Last weekend Scott went to Durban (about an hour flight east) with some buddies from work. They flew up to watch their first Rugby game live! The game was between the two local rival teams the bulls and the sharks. They were cheering on the sharks and they lost by one point! But as I am told it was a great game. So I was here alone with the boys.. but we kept busy with friends. And on Saturday night the boys had a games night at their school as a fundraiser. It was fun they lots of games set up, you paid for tickets to play and then were awarded tokens for prizes after playing. There was a cake sale that I, of course donated lots of baked goods to. The boys really had a blast and alot of money was raised for the school!

The boys are doing well! Aiden always amazes me with the things he learns on a daily basis. I know every 5 year old learns to read and add, etc.. but when it is yours it is so cute! He is doing really well starting to sound out words, spelling simple words, and adding. Evan is just having fun at school. He is the little helper.. all day he follows his teacher around helping her carry things, or put things away, I don't think he leaves her side all day! He has started seeing a speech therapist for some of the speech issues he has been having, and is having some issues with his hearing. So next week we find out if he needs to get tubes put in or not. They are both doing a marvelous job at swimming! It is amazing how much can change in a few months. They have gone from hating to even put their faces in the water to Aiden swimming around on his own! It has only been since mid Feb with the lessons and what a difference! The boys are also in a gymnastics class and really like it. Aiden also takes golf and cricket lessons. Evan has a music class after school that he loves! So I am busy everyday after school running somewhere. But Aiden is our sports-aholic, he would play anything, everyday. As long as he is enjoying it, I will keep running!

As for Scott, he works alot but has gotten out to play golf a couple of times. He needs to play more often. Even with all the work he enjoys it and every weekend we are busy doing something.. either exploring or spending time with new friends! I am just busy with the boys, taking tennis lessons one day a week, trying to catch up on my scrapbooks, going to the gym alot, and hanging out with friends. We have had lots of playdates with the boys friends.. mostly with friends of Aiden's and last week on of Evan's friends came over. It is so nice because I get a chance to talk more to the mom's then just passing at the school room door. I have made some wonderful friends thru school!!

Well I know my friends back home are getting ready for school to be over and enjoy their summer! I hope you do. We are only part way into our school year here..I think I actually like the year round schedule better. But enjoy the summer and keep in touch!

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