This is a Golden Wildebeest.. which are very rare and little is known why some are born this golden color. They think it is a recessive gene in the male. This reserve has about 15 golden wildebeests.

Wildebeests and Zebras around the watering hole.

More zebras -- these have black and grey stripes.

Baby Wildebeest...

This reserve has 5 white rhinos. This is the largest concentration of white rhinos in one reserve. They are considered white not because of the color of the skin but by the lip/mouth configuration. Really has nothing to do with color at all just a bad translation of a word used by natives.

The lions are in a segregated area which is many acres in size.. they just can't allow them to roam free with the other animals based on laws of reserves. There is one male and two females in this reserve. We learned that they are quite lazy.. and sleep most of the day. They only hunt and attack for food since they are so lazy they probably won't attach you unless they are starving. These are well fed so sitting in an open vehicle was a little less frightful. We got some great shots of the males face and paw up close...

These are Elan which are the largest of the antelope family.

This is a baby springbok.. the guide said it mostly likely was just born the night before.

Giraffes.. These animals are silent and do not make any noises. They will occasionally make a sneezing type noise to communicate. This type is shorter than others in the interior of the country.

These Buffalo are known to be very unpredictable and aggressive. Luckily not the day we were there.

These are Nyala another type of antelope.
There were also Hippos in the water but they were not willing to come up enough to get photos...
The game drive lasted 2-2 1/2 hours and was well worth it to see the animals roaming and to get the information we did... I of course don't remember enough to put it all on the blog! Hope you are learning something!!
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