Aiden dressed as his dad.. the first race of the older children is a grown up race where they dress like their parents! Fun
Here is Evan and his best buddy Ethan
Aiden running the race...
Evan running his race.. he is the one in second place! Yeah Evan!
Well after that great morning.. we headed off to a great birthday party. Then hurried home for the big event of the night! Our local cricket team is the Chevrolet Warriers. They were playing in the final game for the championship at home. These games are usually a father son thing.. but a couple of the fathers were out of town for a bike race so Scott offered to take all 5 boys!! They had a blast and we WON!! Go Warriers!!
The team warming up. They are a great team and lots of their players are on the National team.
The 5 boys, with their faces painted.
Whew! A busy day indeed but so much fun!
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