It was a busy day! I spent the day scrapbooking, Aiden had a birthday party to go to, then we had a Halloween tea to attend with friends and then a big halloween party in the evening... whewwwww. But it was great! The last party of the evening was hosted by Megan and Kim. They had lots of games set up for the kids to play, lots of yummy food to eat and towards the end of the evening we had them trick or treating around the yard (since most people here don't celebrate Halloween). It was great fun and the kids were worn out!
Aiden was Tony Stewart, Evan was a Cowboy, Scott was Austin Powers, andd I was a gypsy. In the bottom left corner are the hosts.. Megan & Kim. You can see the games.. bobbing for apples, mummy wrap, trying to eat donuts off the string - what fun!! My pumpkin cake was gorgeous.. except I left it sitting too close to the window and the icing melted in the sun. But was yummy anyway. And as you can see in the upper right corner are the casualties of the fun!
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