They grow up so fast! We are starting to plan Evan's 4th birthday party.... with Evan he only asked for 6 kids to come to his party and the ONLY thing he has asked for is a puppy!! Well he won't be getting a puppy. Maybe when we get back to the US, but not now. Aiden is so different, once we started talking about birthday parties he started naming the people he wants to invite to his..and it only adds up to about 30 kids! Aiden is improving in golf and cricket .. his instructors are very impressed! They have both improved drastically in swimming. They have made some great friends and are having a great time.
I have been helping plan the latest fundraiser for their school. We had a ladies tea with a guest speaker and lots of prizes and gifts for teachers, etc. It was a great time! Of course I volunteered to do alot and had a great time doing it. I made alot of the gifts for the hostesses and the speaker and I think I may have gotten a job out of it! :) We have also had some great evenings with friends. We are planning a couple short trips for the rest of the year... as well as planning another adventure for Scott's parents, who will be coming to visit in December. I always have to have something to plan and do! I have also been trying to catch up on my scrapbooking which is grossly behind. I am making headway and am enjoying it again!
The weather has been great! It is the middle of winter and we have had some great days of high 70's and low 80's! Soon it will be the windy season so we will enjoy it while it lasts. Can't complain when you are at the beach watching whales and dolphins in the middle of winter. :)
I wanted to say Congrats to all my friends out there that have sent their little ones off to Kindergarten this year! It is very exciting! My send off is delayed until Jan and is not quite as grand of a gesture since K is still part of Pre primary here. But it is amazing how big they are already!
Other than that we are just enjoying where we are and having a great time. Enjoy the photos attached!!
I will upload more photos of the boys soon...
Here are some of the wildlife from our neighborhood in our backyard... our gate was broken and they wandered in. The swan came back every morning to relax in the pool.
This is our table at the ladies tea. I shared a table with my friend Linda.

Me and my friend Linda at the tea.

Here are the boys...Aiden's friend Ethan was over and they decided to start a band in the front yard. very funny!!!