A friend of Scott's from work recommended this place to us and asked if we would like to join them on the weekend of June 12th. They go every year and go as a group and have a great time. So of course we were in! We didn't know much about it other than it was a working farm, about 3 hours away and we could possibly get snow while we were there! It was great! It was very relaxing, kid friendly and fun. You stay in cottages around the main house. It is very rustic. There are lots of things to do... hiking, tennis, squash, there is a small golf course, swimming pool (although too cold to swim while we were there), horses rides, etc. We also took the kids bikes and lots of outdoor toys. Adults and Kids meals are separate. The kids have their own dining room and when they ring the bell for meals all the kids go running! I think I need to start ringing a bell at my house. All the food is homecooked and very yummy. With small kids you hire a nanny for the day. She takes them to their meals and watches them during your meals, in the afternon after lunch she take them on the tractor ride that goes out to a jungle gym and the kids play for about an hour, and then after dinner she puts them to bed and hangs out until we get back. There is a pub for the adults... you take your own drinks and there is storage for each cottage, so we would just head into the pub after dinner and have some drinks and fun while the kids were in bed and being watched! The best part was just being able to eat the meals with other adults and not be interupted! One day we took a hike around the mountain and saw some wildebeast, zebra, springbok, and babboons. It was a wonderful weekend! To any of my american friends here I would recommend going. It did get quite cold one day but no snow. All the kids did from morning til dark was play outside..tennis, cricket, golf, ride their bikes, etc,etc...No TV - wonderful! Here is the link to the website for more info on the place...www.blanco.co.za
Here is the farm from the main road coming in...

Here are some sites around the property...
This is our cottage

Here are some of the tennis courts and some of the grounds

Some of the mountain views

This is the main building with the dining room, pub, a lounge, etc

More mountain views

Checking out the cows... the kids can also milk the cows in the am.

Evan on the trampoline

Evan Golfing with daddy

Aiden's golf swing....

Here they are on the tractor with the nanny Liza.

Horse rides every morning after the kids breakfast...

Scott & I hiked around the mountain with some others one morning.....

Here are some of the wildlife we saw on our hike.. wildebeast, and zebra.. the springbok and baboons were too far away to get a good photo.

Some of the horses on the property.

Well it was a great weekend. We just might have to go back next year!!