The first week of school went by quickly and with no incidents! Evan was a very big boy and did not cry at all. Aiden of course took off the first day and didn't even say goodbye. In fact, the second day he wanted me to drop him off at the gate so he could go to his class by himself.
We had a birthday party to go to today for a little boy in Aiden's class. It was nice getting to talk to some of the other moms and see the kids play. I think it will be a fun year.
We are also preparing for Aiden's big day on Tuesday... Aiden turns 5!!! I can't believe it has been 5 years. Boy time does fly! He is getting to be such a big boy and he is so smart (if I can brag!) We are actually going to celebrate tomorrow (Sunday) instead of waiting until Tues because we have a school meeting on Tues evening, so we won't really have time to have a good day for Aiden. His party will be next Sat at an outdoor playplace. He is having a race car theme...I am making a race track birthday cake (made from cupcakes), and I am making drivers license for all the kids as thank you cards. It should be fun. The trend here is to invite all the kids in their class to the party.. Aiden has 22 kids in his class, so it is a good thing it isn't at my house!!
Both boys are going to start music classes that are given right after school one day a week and I am in the process of signing Aiden up for Golf lessons and both boys up for swim lessons once a week. So we will be busy running around every week but it will be worth it to get the boys involved in something other than fighting with each other!
That is all that is happening now. I will update soon with photos of Aiden's birthday celebrations.
Hope all is well with everyone back home!